Friday, April 08, 2005

So you think you've been probed??

When the topic of aliens is risen why to people always metaphorically reach for the probe statement. So lets start with a logical question.

If the aliens are so advanced, why have they traveled across the galaxy to check out man's colon?

You don't need to answer that. I really just threw it in so I could legitimately use the title for this posting. Aliens however have been a topic that has come up a few times in the last few days. Perhaps I have aliens on the mind, perhaps they have given me an implant but I have repressed the memories of the abduction, and my subconscious is screaming out attempting to make me aware of the forgotten experience/ordeal. Perhaps we all are abductees in denial, and deNile isn't just a river in Egypt. In a word, doubtful.

When I think of aliens I kind of picture them as a cross between Predators and Klingons. Physically strong with clan pride and desire for war. I'll justify that from the simple reaeson that technological advances are usually made in times of war. Goverment funding for research is always higher when pushed by the war machine.

But lets talk hypothetically for a bit, I know Simon likes to.

If aliens do exist, then how do they fit into God's plan?

Secular opinion: They don't, they prove that the deity doesn't exist for they are actually our god's.

Aliens are such a great distraction from the truth, and I ask you, who wouldn't be seduced by such a sensational story? Logically, if some creatures where technologically superior to us we would treat them a gods. Think of the words of "Magneto" in "Xmen" he calls "Pyro" a god for his power is great. Would we stand in awe of them like the Hawaiian's stood in awe of Captain Cook, before they struck him down?

We must ask ourselves, why does man seek for another to put above him in the chain of authority? To have some one to blame?

If Aliens are our creators then why the probes?
Man recognises their own dominance in creation, how we study and lord over the things "lesser" than us. We just expect the same treatment from "Higher" beings. We don't expect mercy or compassion.

Christian:The bible doesn't speak of them. I have however heard a few people use Jesus' statement of "I have another flock" to refer to aliens. I guess people can believe anything if it suits their purposes. The mormon's use this statement to speak of the Sth American faction of God's people.

Let's just assume they do exist as the Bible doesn't talk about everything. We are often required think apply biblical perspectives to things that we have today that we didn't have yesterday. E.g. "Do not covet your neighbor's ass" could easily refer to someone else's new remote control car. So lets just apply some biblical principles.

Is God Just?

Well this is really just a bastardisation of "What about the nonchristians in deepest darkest Peru?". I guess if they do exist there's a few ways of looking at this. Hold on we're stepping on the roller coaster.

"Evangelise them" said Amanda, and rightly so. If the whole world was to blessed through Abraham, why not the whole universe? Surely if they are our exploring the universe they are looking for answers. Let's give them the truth. It's here Eltham brought up an interesting point.

"Would they be redeemed through the cross?"

Good question. Jesus became man to take man's place of deserved punishment. Aliens, although they may be sentient beings, are not of the line of Adam so I guess they don't. Ross brought up the idea of angels being redeemed, which was a helpful, yet still confusing, parallel. Angels and aliens differ, as Angels are/were God's messengers and have stood alongside God. So does that mean Christ had to be resacrificed? For God is Just and aliens do exist and there is a means by which they are saved; Did God just ask Jesus to do it all over again?

"Perhaps God is more than a trinity"(Eltham). Humans have constructed the trinity from a biblical understanding of how God exists and operates. Is it possible that Jesus has other brothers who died for the sins of each race of aliens? Well, that is not in the bible.

Assume that aliens are covered by the cross, then, "Perhaps God has given them prophets"(Eltham). Perhaps he has. He could have also given them the law as a shadow of the things to come.

I guess the important thing really is not to get carred away with the pursuit of aliens, but rather, continue in the pursuit of Godliness.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Easiest Post ever

Well, I believe I'm to consider this a virus. A virus which Joe has vomited upon me. I feel the stench and warmth of those that have been infected prior to my involvement. So here it goes. It's gonna be quick as I want to get some bible reading in before I head off tomorrow morning.

You're stuck inside Fahrenheit 451. Which album are you going to be?
Easy one. I'm gonna be an album that people can't help but be distracted by: Like it or love it, You get stuck listening. Jeff Wayne's Musical adaption of War of the Worlds. A sobering thought as the moog rips into sweet candy goodness, something out there is more advanced than even mankind. "The chances of anything coming from Mars were a million to one, but still they come."

Have you ever had a crush on a musician/pop star?
Yeah.. hehe..shucks. There was this all chick band called Toto Ceolo. As a child I was dazzled by TC's big hair and 80's chick vocals. There's something about that half yodel thing that chicks did in the 80's. I still love one of their songs to this day is called "I eat cannibal", awesome.

The last album you bought was...
Mmm.. this is actually a good question. This particular CD I had been chasing for quite some time. "Rollins Band- Weight". Now I really dig Henry Rollins for his passion, and his dead set ferosity that he attacks issues. On this Album is another of my all time favourite songs, for lyrics. "Liar" is not a song for the faint hearted it is a emotional and mental rollercoaster. Pregnant women and people with heart conditions please consult you physician before partaking in this activity. Henry can put pain to music like few others and this is a fantastic example.

The last album you listened to was...
Well... I still have a track to go, but that would be; Dream Evil-The Book of Heavy Metal. What a great album. I must return this copy to it's rightful owner and Buy my own copy. Yes, my own copy. Is it good?? yes. Somewhere between tongue in cheek and brilliant.

What are you currently listening to?
Scorpions-Tease me Please Me. One of the songs by the scorpions I don't know all that well, the joys of shuffle on such a large playlist. Lots of squealing guitars, poor subject matter. I've always been impressed with their grasp of the english language. These guys are totally sweet.

Five albums you would take to a desert island...
I'm gonna cheat on this one and throw in some best ofs.
The first three are really an easy choice, they inhabited the 3 disc carousel at my old flat for almost 3 years, the eject button got dusty.
The Scorpions-Gold It is exactly that, Gold. Just about everyone I've shown the Scorpions have gone out and bought their own cd's and this cd has a good assortment of gold. Note:the afore mentioned "tease me please me" does not appear on that cd
Pink Floyd-Darkside of the Moon Atmospheric goodness
Type O Negative-Bloody Kisses Dark and melodic, yet, they are able to not take them too seriously. Some of their other albums really fail to capture beauty and terror like this one
Black Sabbath-Dehumaniser Post Ozzy things continued. This album is a showcase of TI on guitars branching and realling seeking to make noise in the progressive way of things, with Dio providing vocals, this is a sweet album. One track, "time machine", even lending itself to the WAynes WOrld sound track.. this is not the Black SAbbath you know.
Jimi Hendrix-Ultimate Experience The guy was good, the music is great I still learn from it. A guitarist is lying if he thinks he fully comprehends Hendrix. I love Vai but Hendrix was in another dimension, not just drug induced.

What is the next album you would procure, had you the choice?
I remember a math test I did once, which taught me to read all questions before starting any. Have I learnt my lesson?? No. As previously stated "Dream Evil"-"The Book of Heavy Metal"

Which musician/singer would you most like to spend the day with and why?
Jack Black, he has albums and he sings. Cool guy. I'm sure he'd be fun to throw cheezels at for and afternoon.

Who are you going to pass this stick to (3 persons) and why?
Lachlan-He will have something to say, just try and stop him, I wont.(grin)
Karen B-Cause her responses will be gramatically correct and well formated so they will be a pleasure to read.
Ben B- To see if he and Karen partner up in their 10(combined) cd's for the desert island.

Rock on..