Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Rejoice for Relent

Hallelujah, Hallelujahs to the Almighty. It appears s though I was not the only one suffering from the workload in Quantum physics. The lecturer as lowered the amount of work each week. Such a very necessary move, I had maybe two more weeks at that pace before I fell apart. Tactical, tactical. No matter what he does now it’s not going to feel like much work. Now maybe I’ll have enough time to hangout, call, or just try and encourage some of youse. Perhaps even resurrect my shattered reading schedule, or even, heaven forbid, work on one of the other subjects. The possibilities are endless. Amen.


J said...

That is the cool. Maybe there'll be time for EF t-shirt makin'!! Woot! Or maybe STIKFAS animations!!

gruehunter said...

There has to be time scheduled for some EF action. Especially just sitting around and figuring our designs out for t-shirts, webpageage, etc.

Maybe we could even make EF STIKFA shirts. XD

Yay for Quantum workload being lowered! Thought you looked happier.

Stoobie said...

Can I join Evil Faction too... My mum says I'm cool.... :)