Friday, March 11, 2005

Beards, Bridget and Boredom

Well the week thus far has been a dead set killer. Having carried my fatigue of last week well into this week. On Tuesday, I gave blood. The action of giving blood is not something one should do when they are already low on energy, approximately 2 hrs after I bled I got a headache. I'm a bad patient at the best of times. All I wanted to do Tuesday afternoon was lay down and be quiet, thankfully, Manda also seemed keen for similar endeavours. So, a movie was watched. Much to many of you red meat eating, beer swilling, cheese dipping, flannel wearing, pick-up driving, fart producing blokes out there's shock and dismay the movie was "Bridget Jones’s Diary". Anyone who knows me will tell you, I am one of the most anti-chick-flick type duderinos out there walking this sphere we call the earth. For the record, I still hold true to those values. Although it had some "cute" moments, and I like seeing Hugh Grant getting walloped, as much as I enjoy a fine glass of Milo in the evening, the thought process behind all decisions in this movie were absolutely disturbing. But it was good to crash on the couch and then pull the movie to pieces afterwards with Manda.
I have also been quite lazy of late, I don't think I have shaved since Mark and Tash's wedding, about 2 weeks ago, thus, I am looking a little more Bogan-esque. But certain other people appear to be enjoying my dodgy facial pubes so for the moment I shall continue in my laziness. Really the last thing I need is more motivation to be lazy.
Last but not least boredom....Well, I don't know if its fair to call it boredom cause I'm not really bored just over the amount of questions I have to do for one subject. It's Thursday night and I've already started working on the questions for next Monday. I really don't want to pull another all nighter. I wont survive the session if I keep them up. I promise the next posting will be a fraction more positive, unless of course it's not, and then well, you'll just have to live with that.

1 comment:

DjM said...

DUDE - yr scarin me.....

"I am one of the most anti-chick-flick type duderinos"

:O this sounds soooo like:

"I'm gay, but i like to tell ppl I hate chick flicks so they think im not..."