Friday, March 18, 2005

Nobody likes a Cynic?

Well after a conversation regarding a post I made which nullified, with my usual flamboyance and absurdity, a "cynical statement" a particular party had made. I have decided to make amends for this most evil of actions by spending the next week writing more in the character of my old self. So expect cynical postings, both here and on others Blogs. This is all being done in the name of art, if you'd like to call it that, and probably wont last the week. Reviewing that last composition, that I'm willing to call a sentence, this cynical thing is a snap. I mean probably just wasted effort trying to think outside the usual square anyhow.
This idea of intentional cynicism makes me think that society has really come to love it. A few years ago I used to jokingly say "I am refreshingly cynical". Think back a few years to just about every American movie in the 90's. There is always the character of "the cynic". Not only will this cynic spend the movie whining about the probability of certain doom but he will also survive till the credits roll. I’m thinking Jurassic Park here, and less face it Jeff Goldblum is the master of this “loved” cynicalist ( I wanted a few more letters here, and you did too I know it). His character redeemed “Jurassic Park”, and again in “Independence day”. We as a collective of consumers are accepting, and enjoying, that Hollywood is presenting us alternatives to the face value truth ala “conspiracy theory”. I don’t care who you are when some obscure myth is presented in a movie you smile and nod, you just do. Movies are not alone in this promotion of cynicism and public mistruth, or to be in the lingo (and get a few more random googlers and yahoo’ians) disinformation, “the Da Vinci code” continues to be a best seller holding aloft the banner of conspiracy and cover up. “Disinformation” (that should really bring ‘em in) from any great institution, well at least the suggestion that some exists, makes societies proverbial mouths water.
Am I being to cynical in thinking that we have lost the ability to reason? Are we really just jumping on the band wagon with every accusation any creative mind concocts? Are you reading my words through your own glasses of +15 cynicism? My answer to all of these is YES. I am cynical, but WE ARE losing the ability to rationally reason. WE DO run along with every elaborate accusation that excites us with possibilities, and you too are conditioned to be cynical.
Is all cynicism bad? It definitely has its place. Children are told “not to talk to strangers” for a good reason; Strangers have candy and candy rots the teeth. Children know this and they know that parents are hiding this truth from them. Every time children visit that other stranger wearing the white coat, in the cold funny smelling room with a bed, he/she gives them candy. Surely it is then reasonable assume that all strangers bring candy. Now who holds the rational cynicism, the parents or the children? If you are going to be cynical and reason that someone is out to get you, then set your basis of assumption on something a little more solid than “My brother’s friend’s mother’s squash partner’s daughter’s boyfriend saw…” cause really those stories amount to “absolutely nothing. Which is what you’re about to become”. You could also try seeking the truth. The whole world is not disinformation. It is hard to see the forest from the trees when you spend your whole time looking down. Take a walk, enjoy the rain (or even the sunshine), look at creation. Chin up. Don’t discount the truth because you associate it with an institution. Institutions are usually started with the best of intentions upon a solid a reliable truth. Seek for yourself, I guess now I’m thinking of the bible. So don’t discount the truth of life and salvation, or even refuse a gift merely because of mere speculation.


Stoobie said...

Nice usage of 'Spaceballs' quote.
Seeking the truth is a good thing to do. It seems though that when it comes to seeking biblical truth, maybe people dont want to know what they will find...

gruehunter said...

Always knew we should be afraid of doctors.

/Karen/ said...

Could you leave a line between your paragraphs?

Ximno said...

Maybe. However I'm sure, if I did, gravity would just cause them to be recombined

Da Loch said...

'Stoo' makes a good point, for people who don't want to know the truth, just making fun of it is a good way to get around actually dealing with it.
One thing I reckon is interesting is that people are happy to place their confidence in things that have a HUGELY lower reliability (eg gnostic gospels) and then use them as a justification for rejecting the actual truth and asserting that the biblical gospels are historically flawed.
Mmmm delicious Irony, it's just a shame it's so tragic.

/Karen/ said...

RE lines: Aw please. My brain is causing them to melt together.